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The Biology of Qi


In this workshop, Dr Nick will be covering elements of Qi-Gong and Taijiquan, with an emphasis on internal development. Through relaxation of the joints, proper body alignment and breath control, you will learn how to utilize your posture to increase energy, become more aware of it, and learn how to circulate it. You will be guided through basic qigong exercises, both in static and dynamic forms, as well as through partner drills. This workshop introduces qigong, breath work, muscle contraction and release exercises, fascial and tendon stretchng, and heart-mind coherence (Xing-yi harmony) to alter imbalanced energy patterns, thereby improving power, posture, balance, sleep, mood and stress levels.

Wear loose clothing and bring fluids to stay hydrated.

Taught by Licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Qigong-Taiji Instructor Nick Kusturic. Nick has 30+ years experience and training in martial arts, has won several gold medals in both the US and China and loves to share the deeper aspects of the art in his classes.


Where: Casa Manabliss 

             1405 N Federal Hwy,
             Delray Beach, FL


Date: Feb. 15, 2020

Time: 1-4pm

Registration $60/Early Registeration before 2/10 is discounted to $48

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